

Clay Craft Magazine - July 2018, Hoxton Square Market

July 22, 2018


Turning Earth In Emerald Street

May 31, 2018


Absolutely City And East

May 1, 2018
Absolutely City & East.jpg


Viewpoint - April 2018

April 22, 2018

Makerspaces are creating empowering new models for peer-to-peer learning between makers. Now we'd like to extend this philosophy ...

Turning Earth / Make Space Conference

March 12, 2018
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Turning Earth / Make Space Conference
A peer-to-peer learning opportunity  

How do you create a ceramics makerspace?
Thurs 10 / Fri 11 / Sat 12 May 2018

Turning Earth believes that if hand making were a widespread way of life, we’d all be better off. This belief is at the heart of everything we do.

We think makerspaces can help replace unsustainable consumerism with a kinder, more fulfilling approach to life. We want to see this movement make rapid progress,  renewing communities in each corner of the world through the creation of new meeting places. We believe that makerspaces are the thriving community centres of tomorrow.

Since Turning Earth opened in 2013, a large number of people have approached us for advice about how to set up a similar space in their area. In some cases we have received more than one approach from people living in the same city who weren’t aware of each other. We want to create a focused, efficient way to share our knowledge and answer questions that other entrepreneurs have in depth. We also want to learn from the experience of others and create a platform for new partnerships and friendships.

Makerspaces are creating empowering new models for peer-to-peer learning between makers. Now we'd like to extend this philosophy to the makers of makerspaces.


The conference is available to anyone anywhere, whether their project is still in development or already up and running. It will benefit entrepreneurs in both urban and rural settings, whether they have ceramics knowledge, or a business background, or neither, or both. Visionaries across the UK and Europe and further afield are working separately for the same purpose, many with mutually beneficial skill sets. We think we would all gain enormously from the opportunity to come together with others.

In addition to the syllabus outlined below, there will be opportunities to share experience and to ask questions both of Turning Earth’s directors, and of each other. In this short two day intensive we will cover a lot of ground and connect in a way that empowers us all to form lasting working relationships and friendships.

Participants will leave the event plugged in to an independent ‘Make Space for Ceramics’ network, with a private Facebook group for continued knowledge sharing after the event, alongside any other coordinated activities decided by the group.

This event is entirely non-profit: all the money taken will be used to cover the costs of the event. A limited number of half price early bird tickets are available and additional people from the same team can come at a reduced cost.

Please note, as we have a number of projects in development in London, we request that you contact us separately before signing up if you would like to open up in this city. We are currently developing some exciting local partnership and franchise opportunities, and we want to be careful to ensure that we work with local entrepreneurs in a collaborative and mutually empowering way.

Meet & Greet at Turning Earth E2: Thursday 10th May, 6.30pm
Conference at Hoxton Hall E2: Friday and Saturday 11th and 12th May, 10-6 pm
Turning Earth E10 tour and social Friday evening

Early bird - £60
Regular price - £120
Additional team members - £40

Topics include: Business modelling, Financing, Finding sites, Marketing and brand, Operations and systems, Classes and membership, Member management, Human resources, Accountancy and legal, Equipment, Leadership, Collaboration

Participants include:
Lewis Maughan, MD Turning Earth
Tallie Maughan, Founder Turning Earth
James Otter, MD Potclays
UK Crafts Council


1. Business model creation
What makes a good location
Working from vision
Limitation as a creative tool

2. Site and operations
Air quality and ventilation
Air temperature
Fire and health and safety
Risk assessments and compliance

3. Sourcing equipment
Points to consider
Q&A with James Otter, MD of Potclays

4. Marketing and brand
Developing your brand
An integrated approach
Interior design: aesthetics and functionality
Online community building
Social media platforms
Visual imagery
Data mining and contact lists

5. Classes and memberships
Course content
Selling courses
The importance of open-access/membership
How to integrate open-access/membership

6. Membership management
Back end systems
Customising online management systems
Onboarding and exits
Managing expectations
Training your usergroup
Trust-based models
Managing security

7. Systems and processes
Management through limitation
Buying and selling materials
Waste clay and reclaim

8. Human resources
Building your team
Handling the skills shortage
Financial considerations

9. Accountancy and legal
Streamlining using apps
Formation of your company/organisation
Forms of social enterprise
Rental issues

10. Leadership
Healthy communities
The role of vision and values
Dealing with challenges
Community outreach

11. Financing
Funding sources
The 'art in the black' profit model
Business planning and financial forecasting
Estimating costs
Lean start-up model

12. Collaboration
Peer support
Turning Earth resources
Makerspaces as a collaborative model
Towards a common vision

13. Resources

Makerspaces are creating empowering new models for peer-to-peer learning between makers. Now we'd like to extend this philosophy ...


Turning Earth At The Barbican Conservatory For OpenFest

February 14, 2018